Star Wars Millennium Falcon

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7 replies [Last post]

Hello Smile

My son is starting to become a Star Wars fan and I was thinking about getting him the Star Wars Millennium Falcon as I thought it looked really good but I have only read negative reviews on it. What are peoples opinion on here about it?

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Lee (not verified)

You talking about the super huge Falcon that seats 4 figures in the cockpit, originally released around 2009? I didn't even really have the money to spend on it then, but I don't regret at all buying it. I've since had to put most of my things in storage to temporarily downsize my living space and go back to school, but that Falcon is one of the things I'm most looking forward to seeing again once I graduate and move back into a larger space. I had just started to customize the exterior with a series of paint washes to really dirty it up. Depending on the age of your child, might be a bit big to "fly" around, but I can't see it being anything but a win if you were to surprise him with this.

All that said, if you meant the smaller 2-seater, the original mold, I have nothing but love for that one, too. And it would be easier for a young child to pick up and carry.

Bottom line for me: Every kid who is, or ever will be, a Star Wars fan is going to make his love for the Falcon known--if there's love for it at all. And if your kid likes the Falcon, he's gonna love having one to play with. I don't think you can go wrong with it as a surprise.

Lee (not verified)

Annnnnnnnd, yes, I'm an idiot. I replied so quickly the first time that I overlooked your link. D'oh! You weren't talking about either of those versions. Sorry.

I don't have experience with the one you're actually interested in buying for your son. My original final assertion still stands, though: If a child loves the Falcon, he's gonna love having one to play with. Not sure what the criticisms of this newest one are, but one other alternative for you might be to hunt for the Galactic Heroes Falcon released early in that line, then re-released at least once, if not twice. I can't imagine it would be too hard to track one of those down on eBay. It's a little smaller and chunkier than the one you have your eye on right now.

Hope that helped. Once again, sorry for the oversight in my original reply.

Red5's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

We have it and it's OK. That price is really high but I'm guessing that you are out of the USA.



Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

I have it and bought it for my kids years ago. It's really neat and they will love it as it is easy to handle and has some cool features.


Anonymous (not verified)

Toys r us are selling the Vintage falcon. It is an exclusive and only available to order from their US site which is just They ship to UK. I have ordered and know that my sons will go nuts when they get this.

Jon's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

The Vintage Falcon's only $125 at right now.

Edit: And shipping in the US is apparently free and it comes with a free $12 Podracer.

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

The Falcon was always great ship.

The BMF version is expensive..but amazing. If you can snag it with free shipping or a coupon, I'd recommend it.

Even the Fisher Price version is awesome and has cool features.
