K-mart 50% off clearance - great deals on Hobbit 4 & 6 inch

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Joined: 2012-01-04

4 inch singles are 2.00 each, 2-pks are 4.00 each, 6 inch figs at 4.00, and the Warg 2-pks
came out as 5.00 each. Best deal of the day. So if you,ve seen the K-mart aisle skids with
Hobbits, now might be a great time to fill in......


Pontiac Michigan

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Joined: 2012-01-03


Cool. Thanks for the tip.

Joined: 2013-03-15

I would like to thank the members for posting the details regarding the sale. The sale was awesome and the offers produced are worthy. Could you please produce some more attachments regarding the latest updates in these? Thanks in advance.a