Any hope for Iron Man 3 Marvel Universe villians?

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Avian's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

After finally seeing the Iron Man movie, I was hoping that the Marvel Universe figures 3 3/4 figures would get some villains.
So any chance of any more Iron Man 3 figures besides the connect a Iron Man figures.

I am hoping there will be another version of the Iron Patriot figure, for my Marvel Universe figures? Does anyone know if there are going to be any planned? I assume maybe after the movie hits to DVD/Blu Ray that there might be a chance, however with a Wolverine movie and a Thor Movie, I assume there will be some figures for those movies, really hoping that there will be a build an army of bad guys for the Thor Movie, 3 3/4 size.


Did anyone see the Deadpool 3 exclusive pictures that wandered onto the net? That was an awesome surprise, I assume it will be a convention piece of some kind

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Joined: 2012-01-03


Yeah, looks like I was wrong about there being two lines for the movie like they're doing with Star Wars this year. A shame given the armor variants in the film. I'm surprised; I thought the IM2 line was a success given the number of waves that made it to release.

I wouldn't expect anything for the home video release, but I'm hoping that Mandarin and some the alternate armors will make it into the line for Avengers 2 or Marvel Universe (especially since they seem so determined to include Iron Man and Spiderman in MU no matter how saturated stores already are with those characters). It'd be a good idea to send Hasbro an email or something to let them know that you would like to see those figures.

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

It seems like the Mu push has slowed down. They seem to peg warm at retail here in NJ.

However, have you seen the new Movie Version ML Iron Patriot? It looks amazing..I ordered from BBTS and am awaiting arrival now.


Avian's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I assume the Iron Patriot will be for the Marvel Legend?
