He-Man and the Masters of the Universe

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Joined: 2013-08-18

I loved He-Man growing up and longed for Santa to bring me Castle Grayskull for Christmas, but in my household Santa only brought gender appropriate toys for little girls. I remember watching every episode of the cartoon with the neighbor boy down the street when I was a kid. Now that my son is almost three and knows better than to swallow the small parts of toys, I plan to start collecting and sharing with him He-Man and the Masters of the Universe action figures.

Do you know of any good locations online and offline to start looking to build a He-Man and the Masters of the Universe collection?

If you have your own He-Man collection I would love to hear from you and ask you a few questions.

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Brian Aka clankiller (not verified)

Tutupata wrote:
I loved He-Man growing up and longed for Santa to bring me Castle Grayskull for Christmas, but in my household Santa only brought gender appropriate toys for little girls. I remember watching every episode of the cartoon with the little neighbor boy down the street when I was little. Now that my son is almost three and knows better than to swallow the small parts of toys, I plan to start collecting and sharing with him He-Man and the Masters of the Universe action figures.

Do you know of any good locations online and offline to start looking to build a He-Man and the Masters of the Universe collection?

If you have your own He-Man collection I would love to hear from you and ask you a few questions.

I would immediately begin checking with all of the big lot Badluck stores near you. These are apparently getting runoff of Mattel products and exclusives. Also look for a store called Hollys which is also been getting in these items as well. You can get these extremely cheap before having to resort to secondary sellers on eBay. Good luck

Joined: 2013-08-18

Thanks for the tip Brian on the offline locations. I like to see the merchandise in person before I buy it. Wink

Joined: 2013-08-18

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