They seem to be everywhere on line. Amazon is being fufilled by an on line store so there is a bump in the cost. says that they are not available, at least the wrecker isn't, on line but they are in stores. I have yet to see them there although I have seen them in comic stores.
Any one else have any sightings of this series?
I have never seen them in stores. I never saw any of the Hit Monkey wave in mass market stores either. Still plenty of Arnim Zola and Terrax, but none of these lines.
I just happened to see two Scarlet Spiders at a Walmart yesterday. Maybe they got the whole wave in or maybe someone returned them from a case they bought. No sign of any of the other figures though.
I don't go hunt the way I used to, but I haven't seen hide nor hair of a ML wave since ROML 1 Terrax wave.
I saw a full case of Rocket Racoon wave at Walmart in Kansas two weeks ago. I saw the Hit Monkey wave one time at a different Walmart in May.
never. i keep seeing either the wave 1 & 2 mix wave or solid terrax waves hitting. it's so effing annoying. hasbro way over-produced those waves.
It's not brick and mortar, but Hasbro has the entire series listed on their website for $15 each.
I saw them at a mom & pop drug store about two weeks ago, so you might want to try your local equivalent.
Rocket Raccoon is quite nice. Makes me want to learn anything whatever about the character.