*SPOILERS! BEWARE!* Discuss Avengers Toys Here!

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43 replies [Last post]
Greg Easton's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Discuss Avengers toys here with no fear of spoiling it for somebody else.

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Joined: 2012-01-04

There was something posted at Marvelous News about Red Skull being potentially in the Avengers movie as the ad for Avengers Heroclix mentioned Thor and Loki, Cap and Skull in the line. I really think that this is more of using Skull as part of the "franchise" more than confirmation that he's in the film. Although I guess it's really not totally impossible to have him show up. I really hope they hit us with someone new though rather than reusing both villains.



Greg Easton's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I had read that too. I suppose it makes sense, even if he just appears in some astral form in the Cosmic Cube for 30 seconds. I'd like to see the Avengers face a challenge just too damned big for one of them to handle alone so I'm hoping for Red Skull and Loki teaming up with Skrulls.

Joined: 2012-01-04

It seems like Loki and Skrulls have been rumored long enough that they are solid. The other villain talked about is Thanos. But if the Avengers beat Loki, the Skrulls, possibly Red Skull AND Thanos, what's left for a second movie that wouldn't be anti climactic? Once you've beaten two gods and an army, the Masters of Evil don't seem to quite compare.

Regardless of who else is in there, I can hardly wait 5 months to see a full on Avengers style free for all with a Skrull army on the big screen. Hopefully Hasbro will get their movie line bugs worked out so the figures aren't as darn hard to find as say anything past wave 1 of the Thor line. The Hawkeye costume is growing on me and I'll be pissed if I have to go to some clearance store at the ends of the earth to find it.




Joined: 2012-01-03

Is it possible that Skull was a typo insted of Skrull?? Coube be.

Greg Easton's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04


"...In an interesting twist, when Hot Toys sent this image to us, the text of the email suggests that the rumours of Johann Schmidt appearing in this summer's Avengers film may be legitimate..."

That's the most firm thing I've seen that it isn't a typo. But it's all conjecture at this point.

Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Oh sweet didnt hear about that one.....I guess it is possible then!!


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

Scotty97's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I don't know if it still does, but the "secret" Enemy figure from DST Marvel Select listing at BBTS said "build your enemy army now!". Which leads me to think Skrulls, though I'm not excited about them.


Crayfish's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

These still have a March release date like any other Marvel movie toy line where the movie is released in May doesn't it?

The reason I ask is because whenever there has been a March release toy line from Hasbro from the last three years (X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Iron Man 2, Thor)...I have always found the stuff leaked out on shelves by the last day of January.

But this year it is wierd because the Ebayers near China who always get this stuff first and have it before the first of the year have had nothing...and we have not even seen a carded photo of these yet.

Could the days of finding stuff early be over?

Falconhood's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

so, 3.75" or 6"? With the return of Marvel Legends, I kind of expect them to produce 6" figures. But then, all the movie figures so far have been 3.75" figures...If they have both, which line would you guys get?

Blanka's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

They ARE doing both, man. We've already been shown everyone in the 3 and 3/4 scale, and 6 inch has a new Cap, Sleeveless Thor, Loki, and Hawkeye!

Falconhood's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I didn't see them (link?)..
oh...no! now I have to decide which line to buy.

Joined: 2012-01-04

And I can't even find any online stores that have these for preorder so we have any idea which figures will be in each wave or anything. Either they aren't really going to hit in Jan/Feb as we are accustomed the last couple of years or they will be a big surprise as to when they do show.

I'm pretty sure we had Thor stuff here by middle to end of Feb last year. So I'm hoping it's around that time we'll get some Avengers as well. Please put Hawkeye in wave 1 so I can actually find him.



Gryllid's picture
Joined: 2012-01-07

If I remember correctly, the toys are supposed to be available for preorder on 1/27 and have a street date of 2/27.

So the actual time frame is probably about the same as previous movies, but it's odd that we haven't seen leaked images or anything on eBay yet. But theoretically we should see preorder info in a couple of weeks.

Please put Hawkeye in wave 1 so I can actually find him.

And Black Widow, too! I really, really hope Hasbro has learned a lesson from the Thor line.

Blanka's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Sorry...I just saw this post. Smile


6 Inch Avengers!

Joined: 2012-01-04

Hasbro. Learned a lesson. Riiiiight.



Starscream's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

They could just tease Thanos with him retrieving the Cosmic Cube or the Infinity Gauntlet at the very end.

Greg Easton's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04
longbowhunter's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Got to be honest....kind of disappointed with The Hulk. The banner they released awhile back showed a very Kirby-looking Hulk...that would have been cool to see onscreen. This action figure just looks like...another Hulk. He's not BAD....I was just kind of hoping for something different.


Hiyo Gosh Darn Silver!!!

Greg Easton's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

This is going to be one of those lines where we all run out and buy the individual characters only to have them release a boxed set of much better figures three months later.

Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

And said boxed set will also include an awesome figure that is never made available as a single.


- CP

Greg Easton's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

But of course!

Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

So these have been leaked out at TRU, dont know where but pics are over at the marvelous place. Meh looking packages Im really hoping wave 1 isnt just Cap Thor Ironman and Hulk! I want Hawkeye and Black Widow damnit!!


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

Greg Easton's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04
Anonymous (not verified)

Can someone who has found these at Toys R Us are Target PLEASE post the Target DPCI number or just post the UPC code from the bottom of one of the single 3 3/4 figure packages? All help would be gladly appreciated. Thanks. BTW....Toys R Us said they would be putting these out on FEBRUARY 5, 2012....on a Sunday...how wierd.

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

One word...


Sweet Lord, at 3' long...this sounds truly wonderful!!


Joined: 2012-01-04

3 feet long but probably only 6 inches high? I don't want to be a downer but it really looks like a plastic flight deck and that's about it. It might be a nifty little stand for your Avengers figures but I'm not seeing much for play value here other than you can put the Quinjet (which I do really like the looks of) on it and stand the Avengers around it. And I guess there are a couple of firing missiles. It better not be too expensive. I dig the concept but the execution isn't grabbing me yet.



Greg Easton's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I would bet it opens up and has probably the Avengers round table and some crap like the inside of that armored thing they did for the Iron Man movie.

Joined: 2012-01-03

Well this is interesting:


Looks like the figures included with the vehicles don't have ball jointed hips, but the others do. And I believe this is the first I've seen of unmasked movie Cap, and another version of Ultimates Cap. Can't wait to add the Ultimates Thor to my collection.

Odd they don't have the already announced figures available for pre-order.

Mr. Tibbs


Mr. Tibbs

Greg Easton's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Well, one thing is for sure. There's no way I'm paying $11 for a 3 3/4" action figure.

Greg Easton's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04
Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Seriously Hasbro MORE variants of the same figures that are clogging the pegs and NO Widow, Hawkeye or Loki??? Your Marketing dept are just filled with MORONS.


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

Joined: 2012-01-04

And don't forget the reportedly diminished quality by removing articulation and I'm going to bet an increased price.

How can a company that puts out such a varied amount of Star Wars figures fumble so badly on their Avengers franchise by drowning us in the big three. How many Han Solos and Chewbaccas would they be putting out if Star Wars was first being released today?



Joined: 2012-01-03

Greg Easton wrote:
Well, one thing is for sure. There's no way I'm paying $11 for a 3 3/4" action figure.

I might drop $11 on a 3 3/4" figure. But not on any of the ones we've seen so far for this line.

Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04


After their little sneak preview a couple weeks back on Marvel.com there was no mention of Fork attack Thor or Spin blade Ironman. Why cant they just release the main 6 and call it a day?!? Black Widow WILL sell, its a good looking figure, Ironman fans were cheated out of one a few years back, its Scarlett Johanssen Love, Black Widows fan base is pretty big! Hasbro just doesnt get it.


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

Scotty97's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Ugh, it looks like another year of being inundated with Hulk Hands ripped from packages and rotting in clearance sections this time next year.

And, so far the waves that BBTS has up for preorder are Wave 1 Revision 2 and Wave 2 Revision 1. What is in Wave 1 Revision 1? I think my post to this effect got lost in the transition from the old buzz to the new. Could we be so lucky that the first wave has the missing BW/Hawkeye and Loki? Probably not. I like the Ultimate Hawkeye figure, though, but I still need that movie version.


Joined: 2012-01-03

I notice that the Mighty Muggs for this movie include the Abomination. Hopefully we'll get an action figure of him. A better one than the ones that came out for the last Hulk movie.

Joined: 2012-01-04

So the 2-5 reported street date has come and gone. Is anyone finding these in actual stores yet? My friend in Tennessee saw them at TRU last week and they refused to sell them, took back off the pegs and have yet to put them back on the floor for sale as of this morning.

Are they due at Walmart 2-5 as well or did TRU get a temporary exclusive deal?



Satas's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I was able to pick up the first assortment of basic figures at Toys R Us yesterday in North Olmstead Ohio. It looks like only those cases had the 2/5 date on them. I only picked up Ultimate Thor and Loki, but Im very happy with both

R@'s picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I've seen a picture of a case online, and it said the street date is 2/27/12.

It's very likely there's some confusion as to when to actually put the product on shelves if there are cases with both dates.

I've read many reports of people picking up the 3 3/4 figures(basic and deluxe) and the minimuggs, and roleplay stuff at TRU only so far.

I saw the Hulk Hands and relabeled Cap shield there myself yesterday, but no figures yet.

I have seen the DPCI number for the figures posted somewhere, but can't remember where, otherwise I'd check the stock checker at my local Target(no space and no stock on shelf yet).

I work at Walmart, and the only info I have so far (I tried running the UPCs from TRU.ca, but no luck) is that my store is supposed to have a sidekick feature (the little 2ft. wide displays on the side of the endcap) next month.

Leonardo T Dragon's picture
Joined: 2012-02-07

I checked the local TRU last night and was only able to find an Iron Man wrist blaster. There wasn't even any allocated peg space for the Avengers figs...

Joined: 2012-01-04

Thanks for the information R@. You just saved me a useless trip to Walmart this morning. End of the month is what I was figuring for Walmart but it's nice to have some confirmation of that. Guess I won't start holding my breath to see them til March is part way over the way my store operates.

My friend did find the figures at TRU on his way home last night though. Wonder if the Walmart cases will be the Wave 1 revision 1 cases and have less redundancy. (yeah right)



R@'s picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Sentinel wrote:
Thanks for the information R@. You just saved me a useless trip to Walmart this morning. End of the month is what I was figuring for Walmart but it's nice to have some confirmation of that. Guess I won't start holding my breath to see them til March is part way over the way my store operates.

My friend did find the figures at TRU on his way home last night though. Wonder if the Walmart cases will be the Wave 1 revision 1 cases and have less redundancy. (yeah right)

Just found out today that the official reset date is the week of 03/04.
The stuff will probably show up a little earlier, but doesn't have a home until then.

Anonymous (not verified)

According to MTV geek, an "Avengers" board game has Skrull pieces as enemy soldiers. So that pretty much clinches it.