If you're having trouble finding them at retail, they're starting to show up on Amazon:
-Green Arrow
-Red Arrow
-Sinestro (Yellow Lantern Corps)
The others should show up soon, all $15.99 and free super saver shipping if order is >$25.
Mr. Tibbs
Bummer, I missed Red Arrow and Green Arrow
Regardless, thanks for the heads up and I'll start paying closer attention to amazon
They're back now.
I got the last Dove so it would seem now it's just Sinestro.
They're back now.
I got them; thank you!
Just as I finished posting here, I refreshed the Amazon screen I had up and they had 2 each of Reverse Flash, and White Lantern Flash. They lived up to their names and sold out within minutes (I was able to get 1ea).
So now it's just a matter of them listing Hawk. Hopefully that'll be soon.
Mr. Tibbs
Keep checking
Not picking on you (you helped me get the Arrows), but how do you know this? Are you constantly refreshing amazon or do you have another way of knowing?
I think it was around Wave 11, I bookmarked a filtered (for Amazon only, no sellers) search for "DC Universe Classic". Normally when people start posting that they're finding new waves at Target, or that BBTS or Entertainment Earth are receiving cases, I start checking Amazon.
Now, the way they post the figures is kind of erratic (never seen the entire wave up when they first start appearing) so if I see 1 figure, I'll check 2-3 times a day to see if the others show up. Sometimes I get lucky as was the case with Reverse Flash, and WL Flash, who didn't show up under the search, but did show in the "Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought" area when I was looking at Dove. I'll keep checking until all the figures I want show up. At this time, I have yet to see Hawk posted.
Oh, and this also works for me with the Batman Legacy figures as well. Amazon seems to stock Mattel's product fairly well, as opposed to Hasbro's.
Mr. Tibbs
is anyone finding sinestro at retail? if so, could someone hook a brotha up? i've found zoom but have no expectation of finding sinestro.
Sinestro, Reverse Flash, and White Lantern Flash are the only three (of the 7 characters) who are in all four case packouts.
And in one of those case packouts, he's two to a case. So given enough time, you should be able to find him.
[If you want to count the Green Lantern All Star, then there are four (of the that are in every case]
That last sentence should have been
[If you want to count the Green Lantern All Star, then there are four (of the eight) that are in every case]
I used the numeral for eight and that turned it into a smiley
And Tibbs, thank you for the answer. You're dedicated!