Specifically deluxe Arcee & Starscream & Voyager Optimus & Bulkhead?
Which Canadian retailer has them?
I believe it was Canadian TRU who received them. I'm not sure if other places like Zellers received the First Edition figures.
Ah! Okay. I was going to take a peek for you, but TRU is a bit beyond my reach for a quick trip into Canada.
No worries. I appreciate your willingness to help.
I'm not familiar with the TF prime stuff, but did see a Soundwave the other day that I had never seen before at a Walmart.
I've yet to see them anywhere, though it takes time for toys to work their way across the distribution systems here.
Hate to say it, Paps, but if you haven't seen any First editions by now, you probably never will.
I've been trying to avoid ebay, but @ this late in the game it's pretty much the only option.
Hate to say it, Paps, but if you haven't seen any First editions by now, you probably never will.
looks like I may of missed this boat, tho will keep an eye out for them. Haven't gotten a ton of TF's lately, but really liked Classics Warpth. Animated Arcee was the only one of these on my to-get list tho
I bought mine on ebay about a month ago after three of my Canadian friends weren't able to find them. I expected as soon as I shelled out the scalper fee, ebay would be flooded with them and the price would drop by half. That hasn't happened; the price has stayed pretty consistent, which seems to suggest there isn't a glut of these sitting on shelves.
I don't know if that makes me (or you) feel any better about paying double retail, but it could mean now's as good a time as any to take the plunge.
What will make you feel better is that it's a really outstanding figure. I pretend it's a Takara import and sleep just fine.