Avengers: Wow. (One quick question--minor spoiler)

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Smitty's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

What did Hulk mumble under his breath after he thrashes Loki?





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Joined: 2012-01-04

Smitty wrote:
What did Hulk mumble under his breath after he thrashes Loki?



People were loudly cheering/laughing when I saw it, but it sounded like "Puny god" to me.

Red5's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

"Puny god" is correct.

One of, if not my favorite scenes in the movie.

If all the studio did was make Hulk cool again then this movie would be worth it. BUT, they did SOOO much more.

I'm stuck between this and Dark Knight as my favorite Super Hero movie of all time. It's better than Spidey 2 and Iron Man imo.



Rhine (not verified)

*****SPOILER ALERT************************************************

I too have a question - - - so, who was the masked guy in the alien world who was talking to Loki throughout the film / standing with Thanos at the end? Was this a Skrull or someone of Marvel lore I should know, or just one of the alien invaders seen in the movie?

Gareee's picture
Joined: 2012-01-05

In the ultimate marvel universe, they are the reinvented skrulls. I had to google them to find out.


Creator of WarCow, Fantasy Castle Plus, Bonez, Griffin PLUS!, Frosty, DeadCorn, and MORE!

Anonymous (not verified)

Red Skull.

Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

And interesting theory but highly unlikely since he seemed incredibly unfamiliar with Earth, had different digits on his hands, and didn't have a red face beneath the mask.

He just appeared to be a leader character and not a specific Marvel character.


- CP

Joined: 2012-01-04

Actually, it's Thanos. At first I thought it was a skrull, too.

Anonymous (not verified)

It was NOT Thanos wearing the mask. Unless he was then talking to himself and bi-locating at the end. The same character in the mask who had been shown talking to Loki is then seen talking to Thanos. Hard for them to be the same character.

Joined: 2012-02-07

Yeah, I just thought it was the head Chitauri.

Anyone else think that dialogue near the end between the scientist and Black Widow was odd? It's like they explained why Loki's staff was important twice.