Just read this thread...
and there seem to be new Mattel/Hotwheels Batmobile 3-packs showing up at Toys R Us. A Dark Knight pack with Batpod, Tumbler, and Dark Knight Batmobile, a Keaton pack with '89 Batmobile, Batjetski boat, and Batwing, and a another 3-pack with a chrome '66 Barris Batmobile, Superfriends Batmobile, and the comic book Batmobile.
Nothing new in any of these sets, but someone might be interested. Supposedly a TRU exclusive, but there is no indication on the packaging shown in the thread.
Please leave a reply if you spot these in your area, let us know how much they're charging for them.
Spotted in Houston, TX over the weekend. Saw all three packs. I think the price was $24.99 or $29.99, if I remember the price tag underneath them correctly. I didn't scan them or anything, so I can't be sure.
Also spotted the new LOTR and Monster fighter legos at the same TRU.
Saw 'em in Jackson, MI today. $24.99.
Just saw the tag for these below an empty shelf at the Toys R Us in Torrance, CA.
I guess I'm getting closer.
I saw some other individually packed vehicles in this scale at Target. They may be another wave of the already existing line but it's the first and only place I've seen them so far. They are:
These had a brown cave-looking card like the 3 pks.
Saw the same single packs at my Super-Target; I was glad, because I'd never seen the 60's copter or the ducky before in any previous waves (were they ever actually released before?).