February 2012 - JAKKS Pacific
Winx Club
Winx Club, the hot new Nickelodeon show, is an animated modern fantasy adventure series that follows six best friends – Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna and Aisha – enrolled in Alfea College, the finest fairy school in all the realms. When trouble arises, the Winx Club transform into beautiful fairies who use their unique magical powers to fight villains and save the world from evil. Now you can collect all the fairies and relive their magical adventures with the new line of dolls, play sets and role-play items from JAKKS Pacific and Creative Designs International!
The 11.5" Basic Fashion Dolls feature the Winx Club girls in their fashion-forward 'everyday' outfits straight from the show. With seven points of articulation and a beauty brush included, you can style your friends for a fabulous night out. Available in two Collections, Concert and Everyday. (SRP $12.99) The 11.5" Deluxe Fashion Dolls feature the six friends with eleven points of articulation, super deluxe trend-setting outfits and spectacular hinged wings showcasing beautiful Believix style. (SRP $19.99)