Hasbro finds (and more) this week: Clone Wars, Avengers, and Retaliation

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I had a pretty fair week, all in the Middle Tennessee area around not far outside Nashville. For those of you looking:

One Target offered up the Captain Rex and Commando Boss Clone Wars figures. I like the look of both, but I was disappointed (and a little shocked) to find no leg articulation below the hip joints--no knees and no ankles. The wrists are solid, too, although the elbows at least offer a full rotation to compensate.

I showed up somewhat late for Retaliation a few times (both Wal-Marts, today and yesterday), finding them already a little picked over. But after opening Cobra Commander, I don't mind so much. Again, a nice looking figure, but seems cheaply made, especially for more than $9 after tax. Floppy legs, and hands that slide out of socket on a whim. Feels like I'm holding a Funskool Joe, for those of you who have any of those and know what I mean.

The one redeeming Hasbro find came this morning: Hawkeye and Black Widow, front and center on two separate pegs, one of each. Pretty happy with these! Great likenesses, nice articulation, and solidly built. Hawkeye seems a tad big, but I can live with that.

The Avengers were also a Wal-Mart find, where (at another location) I also stumbled upon most of the new Batman product from Mattel earlier this week, including both the new animated figures and the Movie Masters. Picked up an Animated Croc. Again, looks great, but I was disappointed to find that most of the figure is rubber. Like Cobra Commander, just conveys "cheap." Hope this doesn't become a trend.
