Toy Pizza

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Toy Pizza Episode 82: Star Wars Bikkuriman

September 2015 - The Toy Pizza series on YouTube has a new episode online!

Episode 82 features Star Wars Bikkuriman from Japan - blind bagged stickers with cookies. (The Grand Moff Tarkin reference made me laugh really hard!)

Episode 81 was all about Force Friday and new Star Wars toys.

Toy Pizza Episode 80: Season 3 Finale

August 2015 - The Toy Pizza series on YouTube has a new episode online!

Episode 80 is the last episode of Season 3, and the guys talk about upcoming changes for the podcast and also announce winners for two contests.

Toy Pizza Episode 74: Knights of the Slice Update

July 2015 - The Toy Pizza series on YouTube has a new episode online!

Episode 74 looks at test shots of their upcoming Knights of the Slice action figures. If you missed out on the Kickstarter, you can still order these Glyos-compatible figures on their page at WeLoveFine.

Toy Pizza Episode 71: DragonBallZ

June 2015 - The Toy Pizza series on YouTube has a new episode online!

Episode 71 looks at DragonBallZ action figures.

Toy Pizza Episode 70: Metal Gear Solid

June 2015 - The Toy Pizza series on YouTube has a new episode online!

Episode 70 looks at Metal Gear Solid toys and features special guest YongYea.

Toy Pizza Episode 69: Micro Machines

June 2015 - The Toy Pizza series on YouTube has a new episode online!

Episode 69 takes us back to the 1990s with Micro Machines.

Toy Pizza Episode 68: More Weird Toys

June 2015 - The Toy Pizza series on YouTube has a new episode online!

Episode 68 shows us another batch of strange action figures, this time it is corporate mascot toys: Alarmo and Day Glo Joe.

Toy Pizza Episode 67: Titanfall Stryder

May 2015 - The Toy Pizza series on YouTube has a new episode online!

Episode 67 features the ThreeZero Titanfall Stryder mech and action figure.

Toy Pizza Episode 63 & Comic Book Kickstarter

May 2015 - The Toy Pizza series on YouTube has a new episode online!

Episode 63 features Super Smash Bros toys.

Episode 62 features Crash Test Dummies figures from the 1990s.

Episode 61 shows several Mega Man prototype action figures from Jazwares.

They also have a Kickstarter campaign going for their Knights of the Slice comic book, which gives you the background story on the characters from their previous action figure Kickstarter.

Toy Pizza Episode 60: Metal Gear Solid Toys

April 2015 - The Toy Pizza series on YouTube has a new episode online!

Episode 60 features Metal Gear Solid toys, action figures, and even a clothing line.

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