- Tomy released the red and yellow Light Cycle in 1981 for the Tron action figure line
- In 2002, NECA re-released the red and yellow light cycle, and added a blue one. These NECA cycles included black plastic figures - the yellow came with Tron, the red with Sark, and the blue with Flynn.
- The cover flips up to seat one figure
- The cycles are clearly marked either Tomy or NECA above the rear wheel - on the picture above, the blue cycle is the only NECA one
- Each cycle included a rip-cord which was used on the back wheel
- The rip-cord action works great on these toys - they really get going fast
- The modern rip-cords do work on the vintage cycles, and vice versa; the company names (NECA and Tomy) are clearly printed on the handle of the rip-cord
- Rumors have abounded that a blue light cycle was released in the vintage line. These probably stem from the unliscenced Canadian Laser Cycles

Image credits:
- Tomy cycles and instruction sheet provided by BOOMBOYZ
[3 3/4-inch Archives] [Alien] [Tron]