So from what I can tell, all of Shocker Toys licenses were "acquired" by a brand new company called GBJR.
So is this his plan? To create a new company and make Shocker the problem?
But if he's trying to make people forget about Shocker and his synonymous association, was naming the new company after himself really the best way to go?
Am I reading this correctly? If so, good gosh...
Forgot to log in when i posted that.
Funny thing is, he's claiming that GBJR Toys (that name isn't totally awkward as hell or anything, is it?) will honor the old Shocker orders... so basically, all those toys he owes people are still on the boat that'll never arrive because it'll get attacked by a giant sea cucumber or somesuch.
He's got a couple of things on Kickstarter right now. Unfortunately, it seems there's always some suckers out there willing to believe his nonsense.
Funny thing is, he's claiming that GBJR Toys (that name isn't totally awkward as hell or anything, is it?) will honor the old Shocker orders... so basically, all those toys he owes people are still on the boat that'll never arrive because it'll get attacked by a giant sea cucumber or somesuch.He's got a couple of things on Kickstarter right now. Unfortunately, it seems there's always some suckers out there willing to believe his nonsense.
We should probably warn people about Geoff....hrmmm. What are the Kickstarter links?
Just an update for those interested... Kickstarter didn't work out for him, so now he's on Indiegogo:
So far he's got $367 of his $30,000 goal. The fact that he's got even $367 is pretty unbelievable...
Just an update for those interested... Kickstarter didn't work out for him, so now he's on Indiegogo
And unlike Kickstarter, Indiegogo allows you to keep the money you raise regardless if you reach your goal.
It looks like he got pulled from Indiegogo. Poor little guy.
BigBadToyStore finally gave up on Shocker. They just cancelled all their pre-orders. Personal issues aside, I would have really liked a Dan Garrett Blue Beetle, Phantom, and Zorro. Alas. Well, maybe someone else will pick those licenses up.
Did anyone ever see a complete Mr.Gone ever?
I guess he is really MR.Gone.
We should sue this scumbag