This is's June and I still haven't seen blue Ghost Rider, Big-Time Spidey, hooded Daken, etc. And, for that matter, Marvel Legends are mostly sold out everywhere I do, with the occasional exception of a Bucky Cap. What's going on? Are they sitting on warehouses of there and will suddenly dump them into Bog Lots at a discount?
I swear...I will never understand the toy business.
This is's June and I still haven't seen blue Ghost Rider, Big-Time Spidey, hooded Daken, etc. And, for that matter, Marvel Legends are mostly sold out everywhere I do, with the occasional exception of a Bucky Cap. What's going on? Are they sitting on warehouses of there and will suddenly dump them into Bog Lots at a discount?I swear...I will never understand the toy business.
I have a hunch there's a new batch of these being manufactured now. I think Hasbro was terrified of the line bombing and underproduced the initial waves. I expect they'll still make a ton more of the first two sets.
BBTS has a refresher case coming in August with:
1x Heroic Age Captain America
1x X-Men's Hope Summers
1x Constrictor
1x Dark Wolverine
1x Ghost Rider
1x Future Foundation or Big Time Spider-Man
1x Marvel's Drax
1x Fantomex
My local Targets have gotten in 2 cases of MLs since Jan: 1 case of Wave 1 and 1 Case of Wave 2. I am also missing the Big Time Spidey, Reg Dakken, and Piledriver but frankly forgot about them with Avengers Legends hitting and all the terrifc minimates that have hit so far this year. I wonder why no one at Hasbro has been pinned for the lack boy related product from Hasbro after the Huge Reveal last year at SDCC. "and now...The Return of Marvel Legends!!!" but what you didn't hear was "good luck finding them...". Who ever is in charge of forecasting the demand for thier products should be fired twice. Honestly, the Avengers has made over 1.4 Billion dollars at the box office and most stores have only Stealth Iron Man or Thor to choose from. It's probably was the same clown who decided "Let's put together a solid case of Phantom Menace Wave, everyone loves that movie..". Six months later I had to spend $130 to get 6 figures I want and 6 figures I don't want because of the Phantom 3D flop at the box office..."Circles...that's a good trick..."
Well said...why were they so sure the Avengers would flop, yet somehow thought an already proven flop would somehow do well?
I swear...I will never understand the toy business.
I'm beginning to think that even Hasbro will never understand the toy business.
I've only seen one blue Ghost Rider and never saw regular Daken or FF Spidey.
Agree with everything said above...the fact that there have been no new figures in months is the real issue, you would have at least had a chance, even if it was a slim one, to find the variant/nonvariant you wanted. But all 6 inch lines this year, including the Avengers movie line, have shipped only once, maybe twice if you got lucky and then it's been empty pegs ever since.
BBTS has a refresher case coming in August with:
1x Heroic Age Captain America
1x X-Men's Hope Summers
1x Constrictor
1x Dark Wolverine
1x Ghost Rider
1x Future Foundation or Big Time Spider-Man
1x Marvel's Drax
1x Fantomex
No Madame Hydra and no Piledriver in that assortment makes this a no-win case, for me at least. They really need refresher cases with all of wave 1 & 2 represented considering I only saw wave 1 regular figures once, and wave two I had to get from BBTS. Never saw Madame Hydra or Piledriver in stores.
I have an extra Piledriver (top of the card is a bit bent) if you want it. I thought I was ordering Thunderball who I still haven't found.
I'm interested in that Piledriver figure. Email me at if you still have it. Thanks.
The Disney Store at the outlet mall in Limerick, PA still had a ton of Wave 2 a couple weeks ago including some Thunderballs.
Piledriver and Madame Hydra were quite hard-to-find here and I only saw them once. I never saw Big Time Spidey or masked Daken. I heard that a couple Big Time Spideys hit the area but I don't think any masked Dakens did. And I saw a whole lot of Wave 2 cases come through here. Cap and the Guardians of the Galaxy guy are still pegwarming here at TRU and Target. Constrictor, Klaw and the blue Iron Man can also be found occasionally.
We didn't have quite as much wave 1 ship here. Any version of Ghost Rider was hard-to-find just because every collector from the most serious to the most casual seemed to have a huge interest in just that figure and bought it up quick. But I think the blue one was the one it took me longer to find. No real trouble finding either Cap or Iron Man.
It is definitely stunning that Hasbro has let this many months pass with Walmart and Target having totally empty pegs on a brand new toy line. I've never seen distribution on a line this non-existent before. That's the kind of activity that could get stores to drop the line entirely before it even has a chance to get started. I'm sure stores ordered very lightly, but Hasbro was just plain stupid to not overproduce beyond the orders, knowing that initial shipment would sell out.
As usual, Hasbro thinks kids and parents are the driving force behind the demand for their action figure lines and they think collectors are a tiny, insignificant, but vocal and rabid fragment. They're still just as wrong as they were 15 years ago when they thought the same thing. The vast majority of the demand for most of their action figure lines during most of the year is from collectors. The huge demand for "evergreen" figures like Vader or Spidey during the brief month before Christmas may end up overtaking collector demand for the year, but the distribution policy for the rest of the year has to be tailored for the fact that collectors are the majority of the buyers.
As for Avengers, their total stupidity was in failing to account for much Thor and Iron Man product was still in the marketplace. How they could not be aware of how many cases they themselves were about to dump on TRU is beyond me. Thor and Iron Man figures in the Avengers line should have been minimized in quantity. Distribution on Avengers has otherwise been quite good here and most stores have full pegs. I think we have the right amount of Caps coming, they're always available but never in massive overstocked quantity, but definitely we have too few Hulks.
All your non-variants came to Asia. We're drowning in Piledrivers, Draxs and Madam Hydrawhatshernames. At some stores their sheer numbers give Klaw, Constrictor and DOTM Skids a run for their money. At US$34 SRP a piece they'll probably be that way for a loooong time...
That refresher case wasting space on Drax, Cap and Hope is a huge waste. Got those pegwarming.