What state are you in? I've checked two in Indiana with no success. Thanks.
found the same assortment plus megator. everything is $10. oh, and i'm in pa.
No trace of anything good in KS either.
Hey Global, where in PA? I'm in northwestern nj.
I have not found them in central NJ.
I'd totally lay down 10 bones for Clawful & Mossman. I'm gonna have to check the nearest Big Lots next week.
Hey Global, where in PA? I'm in northwestern nj.
in the lehigh valley area. looking for anything specific? i can keep an eye out.
The manager at my store was very helpful, he punched in a couple of SKU's to find which stores had them either in stock or in transit.
If it helps, here's the list from He-Man.org:
MOTU MAN-E-FACES - 810141222
MOTU MAN-E-FACES - 810141218 (Not actually Man-E-Faces sku, it actually belongs to CATRA!)
MOTU Princess Adora - 810141138
MOTU LEECH - 810141215
MOTU MOSS- MAN - 810141135
MOTU LEECH - 810141215 (This sku is also on GRIZZLOR?!)
MOTU ICARIUS - 810141155
MOTU SY-KLONE - 810141140
MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE ORKO - 810141221 (This is Orko, but the computer ID only says Masters of the Universe)
MASTERS MO LARR - 810141219
MOTU CARNIVUS - 810141151
Typical Florida Nightmare...more people than there ever is product. Hit 3 stores, found 1 figure. I was only looking for a couple of different figures but I guess I missed them. One store manager told me that they got in 12 figures and in 1 hour 1 guy bought them all. Scalper or Collector...there is just never enough product but yet companies say they are losing money...so frustrating.
I haven't read any of the MOTU boards but how ticked off are the Matty MOTU Subscribers about the figures they paid $30+ for showing up for $10, I'll bet it's ugly.
Brian Aka clankiller wrote:
Hey Global, where in PA? I'm in northwestern nj.in the lehigh valley area. looking for anything specific? i can keep an eye out.
At this point, it will be various WWE and maybe Transformers in the future.
How about you? Is there anything you need?
Hit my local Big Lots in the ATL after work on Friday and got lucky. Managed to snag the only MOTUC figure I wanted, the SDCC Orko/Prince Adam. I picked up two others, including a Megator, to pay off some debts on He-Man.org. Left behind a solid Orko and a Sy Klone I actually took the Sy Klone down and showed a little kid wandering around and told him to take it to his mom.
From what I've read elsewhere, the spread of these cases follows a pattern. One store will get MOTUC, the other the 12" Ray and Egon 2 pack, another some JLU figures. It's hard to know what your local BL will have, so you may have to hit a few.
If your BL does not have anything, don't give up hope! Just keep checking around.
BTW, people on the Org are very, very upset by this. Someone made the comment that Mattel should have just destroyed the dead stock rather than sell it at closeout and many people brought up the old Mattel problems: Gleek, SDCC, Anii-Monitor, etc. It really is like the old SPAWN boards over there now. Angry, angry people.
I've been to four Big Lots in Northern Virginia. Only the one in Fairfax had any MOTUC, including Faceless One, Marzo, and Carnivus. The Big Lots in Sterling just had three of the 1/6 Ghostbusters 2-packs.
Found 1 Moss Man @ Big Lots yesterday. I left behind a Count Marzo, 2x The Faceless One, & 2x Icarius.
just found viggo(sp?) from ghostbusters at a big lots. had no clue they were selling 6" gb there.
Did they ever come out and give some kind of excuse why these showed up at Big Lots? I remember a picture of an endcap at Walmart full of Robotos and they said it was some kind of mistake. But this seems far more widespread. I haven't visited the usual MotU haunts, but if a Teela showed up somewhere I'm sure there would be some kind of revolt.
So, has there been a restock of any MOTU or Ghostbusters figures in any MA Big Lots? It seems like they came and went quickly. I hear about other states getting restocks but none are MA stores. I called a store near me on Monday asking about these and the employee basically told me to "F-Off". Love the customer service!
I found Grizzlor and Faceless One at the Northampton, MA Big Lots last week. Haven't seen any others or any Ghostbusters stuff.