Actually contemplating quitting 1/6 scale- a milestone for me.

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Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

I opened the Avengers Ultimate Hawkeye and I really think this figure is awesome and a great nod to Ult-Fans.

Then, I set him on my shelf next to the various favorite ML and MU figures I have there including Bucky Cap, Winter Soldier, US Agent, Deadpool, Cyclops(Jim Lee version), Apocalypse, Moon Knight, Steve Rogers & Silver Samurai. Also present are ML's Fantomex, Bucky Cap, Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier, War Machine and Iron Man.

In a pile to be opened next to this shelf are Hot Toys War Machine, Iron Man Mark IV, Sideshow Bespin Luke, ANH Han Solo and a few others.

While I really love some of the existing 1/6 figures I have and have raved about through the years (HT Batman, SS Firefly, Storm Shadow, Darth Maul & CC) I'm finding myself equally giddy over the latest 3 3/4" and 6" Marvel and DC product. I think DCUC Zoom, Tall Sinestro and Toyman are completely under-rated items.

So we know that HT is going to be doing Marvel & DC figures..and yet I find myself feeling not as excited as I was.

I saw the new Sideshow Commando Snake Eyes...and felt "Meh" about it and still haven't placed any preorder if it's even possible to do yet. I'm actually even toying with the idea of cancelling my SS Zartan.

This is bizarre, as detailed 1/6 scale versions of my favorite characters was something I always wanted even as a child and yet, I now find myself contemplating selling off the unopened SS & HT figures I have even though I all ready paid for them.

This probably sounds silly to most, but for me it's like coming full circle.

Anyone else getting to this point? Actually thinking about selling off the existing 1/6 let alone not buying any new ones?


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Joined: 2012-01-03

Brian, I've been through this.
When Hasbro released the 12" Boba Fett (the pin headed one), I decided to give up on the smaller scale toys and concentrate on the 12" figures. Of course they don't compare to today's 1/6 but back then I thought one 12" figure was much more impressive than four or five 4" figures. Star Wars led to 12" Joes then 21 Century and Dragon military figures.
I resisted everything else for about 8 years until I rescued a Sota SF Ken from Game Stop's clearance bin. The hunt was on for the others. That one figure really brought me back. Soon it was Sigma Six then wrestling. Hulkbuster IronMan started my ML craze.
I was pumped up for SS Star Wars and GI Joe but the excitement quickly faded. I haven't bought a HT since Wolvie or T2's Arnie. Surprisingly, I never had a real urge to pick up Reeve's Superman. There's too much great stuff being released in the smaller scales.

TRDouble's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I gave up buying new sixth scale figures a while ago. I just cannot afford to get the good ones aka Hot Toys, and cannot justify the price for figures that I cannot immediately put on display.

I sold only one of my Sideshow Star Wars figures so far, but I have a list of others I will eventually sell. I sold my Takara Batman a while ago, sold my Hot Toys Batman Begins Batman (original) last year and just sold off my Superman Returns Superman and Clark Kent. Takara Catwoman may be next.

I will keep my DC Direct 13-inch figures; they had issues, but they weren't bad, look great together and I had them on display for a while and will get hem back out eventually.

I think Sideshow DC will test my resolve though.

Scotty97's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

While not 1/6 scale, I gave up on the ML/DCUC scale after collecting them since the first X-Men/Spidey/Batman figs ToyBiz put out in the early 90's. For space concerns, but primarily cost and availability, I'm sticking mostly to 3 3/4" figs. Somewhat ironically, as I've been breaking out a lot of my 12" Joes to sell, I've found a renewed love of the vintage repros(30th, 35th, 40th, etc, lol). I've never started on SS Joes or HT figs, but there are some really tempting ones coming down the pike. If I can get past the goggled head on the new SS Snake Eyes, I'll probably find a way to pre-order it.
