I have a great deal of loose toys - all stuff that was displayed, so it's all in good condition. Any ideas for getting rid of these? Is Goodwill the only option? Or do hospitals accept things like this? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I've been ebay-ing most of mine in lots (between 4-8 figures) but know that some will just plain not sell. My stepson has already inherited some stuff, but I'm interested in any other suggestions that come up, as well.
I'd check to see if there's a Kid to Kid in your area.
Also, check your local listings under "thrift stores", Goodwill might not be the only one in your area. We've got one around here run by the American Rescue Workers, and a couple run by local churches.
If you're talking about figures more than playsets, they make great hand-outs at Halloween.
If you ever make it to Mexico come to Monster Cafe Saltillo. We have a promotion where if you bring in ANY figure you get 8 free beers!
There are many others besides Goodwill. Purple Heart, National Children's Center are a couple I've given loose toys to. Church yard sales is another.
OR....a fellow collector like me will take them!
I second Halloween, but I also have made more than one trip to the collection site for the local women's shelter. In cases of abuse that involve children, the departure is often abrupt and they are forced to leave things behind that they might not want to. You obviously won't be delivering to the site where the women and children are actually sheltered, because it's kept secret for their protection, but there's still a very rewarding feeling from donating this way.
I still remember, years ago, when I upgraded to a PS2 and took my first Playstation and its controllers, still looking and working like they'd just come out of the box, into the local drop-off: the woman at the desk was blown away. The look on her face was very fulfilling. She assured me it would be a huge hit. You just sorta take it on faith, but it's something I encourage. I don't know how much you've got to unload, but maybe you could take one pile to the shelter and hold onto a few handfuls for Halloween? Then you'll have the satisfaction of both.
I have actually given toys loose to Toys For Tots.
They say on paper that they want new unopened toys, but if you actually talk to the Marines they're happy to have loose toys as well.