Is the Action Figure Insider site down for anyone else?

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4 replies [Last post]
Gzilla2000's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Is it down for anyone else?

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Dusty (not verified)

Yeah it is for me too, probably just some maintenence... hopefully, lol.


tanglevind (not verified)

Yeah, I can't get there either

Eric Qel-Droma (not verified)

I'm getting a "Domain name for sale" message every time I click on an AFI link. Does anyone know anything at this point?

Eric Qel-Droma (not verified)

Never mind. I just found the AFI Facebook page and it's all some sort of clerical error. They'll be back up soon (what "soon" means I don't know, but I got the impression that they're waiting on ONE particular thing, and as soon as someone pushes that button, they're up).