New Hobbit figures at TRU

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Saw new hobbit figures at TRU in Fair Lakes Virginia. Ouality on figures didn't look so great. 6" figures going for 17.49, 4" for 11.49, two packs for 11.49, and some larger pieces in the $30 range. This TRU is notoriously higher than most because the Wal Mart and Target in the same shopping center stock every 4 months or so and every other toy source locally has gone out of business.

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Kids Korner ABQ's picture
Joined: 2012-11-03

I am new to the forum. What is TRU?


Kids Korner ABQ

Jon's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Kids Korner ABQ wrote:
I am new to the forum. What is TRU?

Toys R Us. =)

Joined: 2012-01-04

Will these be hitting any other brick and mortar stores besides TRU?

