Star Wars Black - Why are they repacking already?

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Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

The Series 3 (or 2014 Series 1 depending on how you want to look at it) case packout just went up and it includes the first repack of Han Solo.

Personally I'm ok with the 3 figure wave, I'm sure it's a budget thing, but why repack Han Solo instead of doing 2 Storm Troopers? That seems like a no brainer to me.

That aside, I'm loving this line. So far the Sandtrooper is the only figure I don't have (just happier to have a couple regular Troopers), and I would've prefered any other Leia than the one we got, but so far those are the only shortcomings for my preferences. I'm even looking forward to the prequel Obi Wan because 1) it's Obi Wan, 2) Ewan McGregor did his best to not phone in his portrayal. Heck I'm even ok with a second version of Luke already.


- CP

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Anonymous (not verified)

I think this is an awesome line but was wondering about the re-packing, too. I can't wait to get that Bespin Luke Skywalker figure. I hope they don't make us wait too long for, Yoda.

JJJason's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Can't put my finger on why exactly, but I get a strong dead toy walking vibe from the 6" Black line. The repack. BBTS with half of Wave 1 on clearance. Eh, I don't real like it's really catching on.



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Noir, Westerns, Bit of Me...

Joined: 2012-01-04

Hasbro truely has no idea what they are doing anymore. You think they would have learned their lesson with the TPM Vintage Figure Wave. I understand that the production launch of new line should be somewhat more than following waves, but I doubt you will see Wave 2 in TRU until maybe Feb or they may skip this wave altogether due to overproduction of Wave 1. Wave 3 is once again Hasbro cr@pping on collectors with a repack being mixed in the cases instead of giving us 4 new figures per wave. Now if Hasbro commented on the reason behind the repack, like they were not happy with the sculpt or accessories for the 4th figure so they had to go with a repack, most folks would understand. There is just no excuse for repacking already when online pre-orders for cases would explode if they would just put in 2 Stromtroopers.

Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

It's the repack over a 2nd Stormtrooper that confuses me the most here. If they had any other character figure, say Lando, instead of a Trooper then sure, repack something (also assuming there's a good reason for 3 figures instead of 4, whatever it is). But x2 Stormtroopers is such a no brainer. That will easily be the best selling figure from that wave. Heck, I want 2 to flank the eventual (hopefully) Vader. Heck, if Wave 3 was just a box of 4 troopers those things would sell. Without any details it just feels more odd than it does incompitence.


- CP

GlobalDominationMachine's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

JJJason wrote:
Can't put my finger on why exactly, but I get a strong dead toy walking vibe from the 6" Black line. The repack. BBTS with half of Wave 1 on clearance. Eh, I don't real like it's really catching on.


i don't know that i'd say it isn't catching on so much as i'd say hasbro has placed idiotic hurdles in their way to what should be an easy win with collectors.

1. the $20-22 price tag is ridiculous. these are obviously geared toward "collectors", but there is no reason these should be $20. ml and whatever dcuc is left are $15. wwe elites are over-priced at $18. $20 removes any chance of a casual purchase for most people.

2. the first wave was just kinda... bleh. with the exception of maul, this wave should've been packed with Must-Haves. instead we get sandtrooper(did ANYONE want this over the standard stormtrooper?!), x-wing luke(personally, i would have taken any other luke over x-wing) and r2-freaking-d2(he should have either been packed with someone or been a baf). the only figure i picked up at full price was maul. and according to what i see on the shelves, i'm not alone. had this wave been jedi luke, stormtrooper r2 AND 3po and maul, i'd imagine they'd have greater success right out of the gate. but whatever. i'm just the idiot who gives(or doesn't give) them money.

3. greedo. you have got to be kidding me. yeah, he's a cool figure but it's GREEDO. i'd bet he doesn't make the top-50-star-wars-figures-i-have-to-have list for the vast majority of star wars collectors. greedo. GREEDO.

and not putting 2 stormtroopers in wave 3 says that hasbro really doesn't know what they're doing. i know i'm not alone in intending to buy multiples of these guys. and solo will have a higher probability of clogging shelves over an army builder.

Joined: 2012-01-03

3. greedo. you have got to be kidding me. yeah, he's a cool figure but it's GREEDO. i'd bet he doesn't make the top-50-star-wars-figures-i-have-to-have list for the vast majority of star wars collectors. greedo. GREEDO.

Greedo has usually come fairly early in the various figure lines, starting with the original line when he came out in the second year, after the initial assortment of twelve. I doubt he'd make many people's top-20 list, but I think he'd make the cut for most people's top-50.

Joined: 2012-02-11

This is pretty much how Hasbro handled the 3.75" Vintage Collection when they broke away from the themed waves. Every figure is packed one to a case, including the all new figures and every wave featured carry overs from previous waves. One collector could easily buy every new figure on the pegs and the repacks would sit.

As for Greedo's popularity, he's $11.99 on Amazon now, the only series 2 figure to be discounted.

Joined: 2012-01-03

I know a Stormtrooper seems logical enough from a collector's standpoint, even myself. But the truth is, I've seen multiple Slave Leias and Greedos and not a single Han or Boba on the shelves at both Target and TRU. So, maybe Han being a repack isn't so much of a stretch, especially if wave 2 is considered an end-of-year wave and they want Han to carry over into 2014.

Rob's picture
Joined: 2009-10-14

I have only seen these once, with no Boba Fett. I was able to grab the other three, but that has been it. I haven't been overly impressed with the distribution of any of the 6" SW Black figures.


Anonymous (not verified)

Do you think there's any chance Hasbro will do a Black/Legends line with G.I. Joe characters?

Getting highly dope Baroness and Destro 12" figures through Sideshow in 2014, and those are the only two i really care about...still, if i could also get Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow/Firefly/Zartan in 6" scale, i'd buy those in a second

Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

As cool as it would be, I personally think the odds are low. I don't know about anyone else, but the GI Joe section at my local stores is minimal while Star Wars is still quite large, which I translate to Star Wars sells more than GI Joe. Given that, I just don't think there's enough demand to justify taking Joe's into the 6" scale.


- CP

GlobalDominationMachine's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Anonymous wrote:
Do you think there's any chance Hasbro will do a Black/Legends line with G.I. Joe characters?

Getting highly dope Baroness and Destro 12" figures through Sideshow in 2014, and those are the only two i really care about...still, if i could also get Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow/Firefly/Zartan in 6" scale, i'd buy those in a second

i would LOVE to see 6" gi joe figures. especially if they were able to capture the same insane level of detail the figures have had over the last few years. but i don't see it happening. ever.

Anonymous (not verified)

I just wanted to know what happened to the Anakin Skywalker that is slated for the 6 inch Star Wars Black Series figures. Has he been moved to series 4?

Joined: 2012-01-14

Does anyone even ever see series 2 at retail? I only saw 1 Leia

Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I regularly spot them. Just today I saw 2 Greedo, 3 Leia, and a single Han. I'm not surprised to have yet to see Boba Fett.


- CP