DKR Quicktek figure review by Stinkhead

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Joined: 2012-02-15

Dark Knight Rises Quicktek figures

There were two Banes in the case I got.

They look good, but Bane sticks out because he's not nearly as detailed. I believe the base figures are all recycled except for him? Air Strike Batman was definitely from Dark Knight, but I haven't picked up too many in this scale, so I didn't recognize the Command Claw Batman (my favorite)



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Joined: 2012-01-04

A good review, but the toys are junk. Once again, Mattel gives us toys right out of the 90's, and not the best examples, either. Kenner/Hasbro made some better looking figures back then. No articulation (that is real play value) and a really pathetic job on Bane all around. Even kids know junk when they see it, so I expect these to linger much as the GL figures did last year.

Movie toys are not doing well these days, and Mattel really needs to step up its game to break that trend. Flashing back to the early 90's definitely isn't going to so that.

Red5's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

If these were Happy Meal toys I would get the fully masked Batman and maybe Bane. My WM had them on the pallet last night. I didn't even ask to see inside the boxes. The best thing about these is that they are clearancing the other Bats figures to make room.



Anonymous (not verified)

I don't know, these things are tiny and statue-like, there's no excuse when you can get VERY articulated figures like Thundercats and Power Rangers in the same scale and range of play features for about 6 to 7 bucks. Matty will probably try and push a 10 dollar price tag on these.

Joined: 2012-01-04

I bet if you wash these figures real hard, you'll have the full line of Speed Racer Movie Figures. Mattel is just done and Hasbro isn't far behind.

JJJason's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Warhead wrote:
I bet if you wash these figures real hard, you'll have the full line of Speed Racer Movie Figures. Mattel is just done and Hasbro isn't far behind.

I actually like the Speed Racer movie figures. Sad

And they were pretty well articulated, so Tongue



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